Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Cold Sore Remedy That Led To My Wedding

Hi folks, let me tell you about a cold sore remedy that eventually led me to get married. Sit back, here we go.

I don't know if you're familiar with George Costanza's character on the hit TV show Seinfeld, but it's imitating that character that got me married. There was an episode on which George looked back at every decision he has ever made in his life and concluded they were all wrong. He came to realize that he couldn't trust his instinct. That's when he decided that from now on, he would always do the opposite of every thought, feeling or instinct that came to him. It's exactly at that time that his life changed for the better. He was successful in every part of his life! Those of you who saw that episode are still laughing, I'm sure. I know I am!

Any who, seeing that I had no success what so ever with the ladies, I decided to try the "Costanza Approach". Everything I had done before to impress the ladies failed. To be honest, I was just to shy. So, like George, every thought, feeling, reflex, I had to counter and do the exact opposite.

I was interested in a particular girl in college. So I had to put my shyness aside and I went straight to talk to her. The first conversation was only about 2 minutes, but at least, the ice was broken! The second conversation lasted about 5 minutes. Again, it was difficult doing the opposite, but I stuck to it. About a week later, I got her phone number and invited her to the movies. I was very excited! Maybe even too excited. As I will tell you in a future post, one of the causes of cold sore eruptions is stress. Bad move for me. I was 5 days from my big date, and on my beautiful lip was a cold sore. I thought I was cooked, done, finished.

Then, after telling my best friend about it, he warmly recommended a cold sore remedy that he had tried before and that cured him in 3 days. It was a bit short notice, but I decided that I had a lot to lose if I didn't do a thing about my cold sore.

So I tried the remedy and to my astonishment, it did remove the cold sore in 3 days. That is much more quickly than the usual 7 to 10 days. I was relieved! I could go on my big date and conquer the heart of the princess I had chosen! And I actually did!

After that successful, cold sore free date, we dated for 6 years. And believe it or not, the shy guy that I was is no more! We got married almost 2 years ago and we now have a 2 months old baby! Isn't life wonderful?

All this has been possible because of the "Costanza Approach" and, of course, the cold sore remedy that saved my Saturday night!

Thanks for reading, talk to you soon :)

PS - Seinfeld writers, if you read this: thanks a million!

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